Mist Valley Tea
Fresh and fantastic tea from the Misty Valley of the Eastern hills of Nepal.
Total production capacity (annual):
100 Metric Tonnes
Total employees:
Present exporters:
India, China, Japan, German, France, Lithuania, USA
Total farmers:
Total tea plantation area:
1,000 hectares
Connect with us

Our story
Company organigrame

Company details
Annual production capacity
metric tonnes (+25MT)
Total area of company estate
Total area owned by farmers coop
Business impact
metric tonnes (+25MT)
employees in field

Valid until 2022

Valid until 2022

Valid until 2022

Valid until 2022

Valid until 2022
Tea production

Flavored Organic Orthodox Black Tea

Flavored Organic Orthodox Green Tea

Flavored Organic Orthodox White Tea
1st Flush
Last week of March to last week of April
- Leaf Grade SFTGFOP-1 TIPPY
- Broken Grade TGBOP-1
- Fanning Grade TGOF-1d. Dust GOF-1
2nd Flush
Last week of May to mid July
- Leaf Grade SFTGFOP-1 TIPPY
- Broken Grade TGBOP-1
- Fanning Grade TGOF-1d. Dust GOF-1
Summer Flush
Last week of July to last week of September
- Leaf Grade SFTGFOP-1 TIPPY
- Leaf Grade FTGFOP -1
- Broken Grade TGBOP-1
- Fanning Grade TGOF-1
- Dust Grade GOF-1
Pre-Autumn Flush / Autumn Flush
October / November
- Leaf Grade SFTGFOP-1 TIPPY
- Leaf Grade FTGFOP -1
- Broken Grade TGBOP-1
- Fanning Grade TGOF-1
- Dust Grade GOF-1
Our products

Flavored Organic Orthodox Black Tea

Flavored Organic Orthodox Green Tea

Flavored Organic Orthodox White Tea
Global Presence / Main Export Destinations

Proudly collaborating with ITC
Being part of the ITC Sustainability Marketplace program, funded by USAID, has been a great opportunity for us. The marketing support that we have received from the program has helped us reach a global audience.
Our organization receiving the following support:
- Strategic Marketing Help
- Creation of several Marketing collaterals including pitch decks and landing pages
- Social Media Marketing