Central Tea Cooperative Federation (CTCF)
Sustainable tea cooperatives, prosperous farmers
Total Cooperatives:
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About CTCF
Central Tea Cooperative Federation (CTCF) is an umbrella organization of district tea producers’ cooperatives in Nepal. Its primary role is to conduct advocacy and carrying out lobbying activities at the national level to support Tea producers and Tea farmers.
Sustainable Tea Cooperatives, Prosperous Farmers
CTCF’s core vision is to build sustainable tea cooperatives which will in-turn create prosperous and innovative tea farmers and processors. To achieve this vision, CTCF works in 5 core goal areas:
Develop and strengthen professional and institutional capabilities of tea cooperatives in Nepal
Represent the entire Tea producers and Farmers community for Lobbying and advocacy
Improve skills needed for producing quality tea and running a cooperative enterprise
Improve marketing of tea produced by the Tea cooperatives of Nepal
Work for sustainability of CTCF and its cooperative members
Business impact
Representing Major Tea Producers Cooperatives of Nepal

Tea Producers District Cooperative Federation, Ilam

Tea Producers District Cooperative Federation, Panchthar

Tea Producers District Cooperative Federation, Dhankuta

Tea Producers District Cooperative Federation, Tehrathum

Tea Producers District Cooperative Federation, Lalitpur
Business impact
Presence in all Tea Producing Districts of Nepal
Along with these members, CTCF also works with more than 100 primary tea producers cooperatives from the seven largest tea producing districts of Nepal.

How Have Our Members Benefitted?
At least 17 cooperatives have now established their own processing units and have started to process and market their tea in the national and international markets.
Types of Tea Produced by CTCF Members
Different grades are available in each category

Organic Green Tea

Organic Black Tea
Proudly collaborating with ITC
Being part of the ITC Sustainability Marketplace program, funded by USAID, has been a great opportunity for us. The marketing support that we have received from the program has helped us reach a global audience.
Our organization receiving the following support:
- Strategic Marketing Help
- Creation of several Marketing collaterals including pitch decks and landing pages
- Social Media Marketing